Egg Spoilage Somewhere Even If You Are Eating Keep Bad Eggs In The Fridge This Way You Can Identify

Egg Spoilage Somewhere Even If You Are Eating Keep Bad Eggs In The Fridge This Way You Can Identify

Egg Spoilage: If you are also fond of eating eggs, then this news can be useful for you. Be it winter or summer, some people like eggs so much that they consume eggs daily. People who eat eggs daily buy trays of eggs and store them in the fridge and eat these eggs for at least several days. But do you know that keeping eggs in the fridge for a long time can spoil them and you need to identify them. Identify and throw away bad eggs in time. Now you must be thinking that how will the bad eggs be identified. So in this article we will tell you how to store eggs in refrigerator and how to identify bad eggs.

If you are not eating too keep bad eggs in the fridge

Keep the eggs in the fridge for several days, you can easily identify whether the eggs have gone bad. For this you will need a glass tumbler, water and egg. Take a glass and fill half a glass of water in it, after that take an egg and put it in the water. Keep the egg in water for five minutes. After five minutes, if the egg has come on top of the glass, then understand that the egg has gone bad. Then you cannot use it. If the egg is below the water, then you can eat the egg now. You can also identify bad and good eggs by taking a test. Now you must be thinking that the test looks the same as that of an egg. But it is not so. Just as the taste of spoiled cheese changes, similarly the taste of a spoiled egg also varies.

How long do eggs stay fresh

Eggs are eaten a lot even in winters. People consume eggs by making omelette, making bhujji and in many other ways. Let us tell you that you can keep the eggs kept in the fridge for at least 3 weeks. Keeping eggs longer than this can spoil them. Apart from fridge, the age of eggs is seven to ten days. If you also store eggs in the fridge, then it is best to put dry grass in a big pot and store eggs in it. Keep the pot covered. By doing this the eggs remain fresh for a long time. Everyone eats eggs in winter. These tips can be useful for you. Check the eggs well before buying them. Sometimes eggs are also found spoiled from outside.

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Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

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